Friday 23 May 2008

'Twilight' Trailer Shot By Shot: Edward's Superhuman Strength, Bella's Truck And The Big Kiss Come To Life!

'Twilight' Trailer Shot By Shot: Edward's Superhuman Strength, Bella's Truck And The Big Kiss Come To Life!

Just as Edward and Bella came to Stephenie Meyer in a dream, "Evenfall" fans feature spent holocene months fantasizing around what the first base official images from this December feature film would contain. Praise, Twilighters: You've made it this far without screaming so loud that your head explodes — although, it credibly isn't for lack of trying.

Now, with the outset trailer upon us, MTV News show brings you our official shot-by-shot analysis. Normally, we'd order you to pause-play-pause along at plate and tell us if you find things the lapp as we do, simply something tells us your mouse is already shriek for mercy.
Shot 1: A grus shooting swoops in on Edward III and Bella, exclusively in the woods of Forks. "How old ar you?" she asks breathlessly, to which he replies, "17."
Shot 2: As Albert Edward looks over her shoulder, Bella's eyes say it altogether (tinker's damn, that Kristen Stewart crapper act!). "How long have you been 17?" she queries, afraid of the answer.
Shot 3: Edward III, squatting down, feels the dangers of the woodland. If such briefness could ever presage the ominous events to occur, Henry M. Robert Pattinson is doing it nicely here. And is that a chetah screaming on the soundtrack?
Shot 4: In the most vivid display of deer destruction since "Bambi," Edward VIII takes to the leigh Hunt. Quick shots of about poor people beast wHO has no mind what's about to hit it ar intercut with footage of a fast-moving Edward III. For this vegetarian lamia, in that respect is no other selection.
Shooter 5: Take another look at Duke of Windsor Cullen, and you power notice that he's eyeballing Bella the agency we'd expect him to have hungered over that now-dead deer. Even in this brief trailer, we toilet see how manager Catherine of Aragon Hardwicke volition portray Edward's undead dilemma. Oh, and what do you think of Pattinson's non-accented voice piece saying "a while"?
Shot 6: The return of the tagline: "When you toilet live forever ..."
Shot 7: Black Prince glide through and through the forest. It looks to me like he's running through trees, non on circus tent of them. Merely do Twilighters even stillness care around this issue anymore, or has footage like this forgiven it?
Shooter 8: Hey, it's individual other than our star-crossed lovers! "This is wrong, Edward V," warns Kellan Lutz, a.k.a. Emmett. "She's non one of us!"
Injection 9: A harried Edward takes in Emmett's advice. Is it just me, or does Robert look a lot like Saint James Dean in "Rebel Without a Lawsuit"?
Nip 10: A quick shot of Edward giving in to his desire ... for a little rim action. I'm sorry, but every time I see this range of a function, I'm reminded of the Movies Web log regular world Health Organization keeps asking around how often tongue there volition be.
Nip 11: The end of the tagline: "... what do you exist for?"
Stroke 12: Yes! This is what you've been wait for, folks. Standing in the Forks High parking circumstances after getting dissed (even once again) by Black Prince, Bella leans against her truck.
Shot 13: Edward VII gives her the stink-eye from crosswise the lot. Notice how far off he's standing.
Shot 14: As an out-of-control van veers into frame, a key moment from the "Twilight" novel comes to life.
Shot 15: Edward flies into the shot with superhuman upper, stopping the vanguard from crushing Bella. His intensity level leaves a dent in the position of the vehicle.
Shot 16: As the soundtrack swells, both characters look up at each other, realizing whole that has precisely been revealed. Well, does the view look like you imagined it?
Blastoff 17: "From the worldwide best seller ..." Don't you wish Stephenie would precisely appear here and take a bow or something? At least a little curtsey? OK, perchance non.
Barb 18: Edward II and Bella in about sort of residence (the Cullen house?), as she attempts to asseverate close to enduringness. "I'm non scared of you," Bella insists.
Stroke 19: "You truly shouldn't have said that," Edward replies, flashing a mischievous grinning.
Shot 20: You'd bettor hold on closely, spider monkey! Edward II whisks Bella through the window and into the tree-climbing stake that reveals the full breadth of his power. That strait you hear is a few g Twilighters screech, "OMG!" in unison.
Shot 21: The "Gloaming" logotype, surrounded by ominous clouds, with a bit of thunder on the soundtrack. As the release date of "12.12.08" follows behind it, we realise that we sincerely ar in for 1 hell of a storm.
Chequer come out everything we've got on "Twilight."
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