Sunday 7 September 2008

Burnt Kids' Pain Lessened By Distracting Device

�Cunningly disguised as a toy, a new medical device that harnesses the power of distraction commode greatly abridge the hurting felt by young burns victims.

Designed for medical device company Diversionary Therapy Technologies by Sam Bucolo, who is a Queensland University of Technology industrial design Associate Professor, Ditto is a virtual reality-inspired diversionary therapy aid.

Professor Bucolo said that the trademarked Ditto device is able to distract a child's attention to help them through the sore process of having robert Burns dressings changed, which a patient may endure several times before recovery.

Professor Bucolo aforesaid Ditto was undergoing clinical trials to recognise it as a fully-fledged medical device, and it has been shown to be more effective at reduction pain oodles than the traditional methods of distraction used in hospitals, such as videos and reckoner games.

"Burns patients need to take their bandages changed trine times a week for up to two months, and this is a very painful experience," Professor Bucolo said.

"The children are already anxious when they arrive at the hospital, because they know the process is loss to injure.

"However, we know that pain perception has a strong psychological component that can be overcome with appropriate training and distraction."

Professor Bucolo said Ditto was designed for children aged ternion to octad years old and secondhand multi-modal fundamental interaction a engineering science that was closely related to practical reality, merely did not require bulky equipment or goggles that might distress young, dying children.

"It was important that the product took only seconds to lock the child and it was too important that the distraction lasted 20 minutes, around the length of time it usually takes a nurse to replace burns bandaging," Professor Bucolo said

"The child holds the orbitual Ditto device and tilts it to navigate through the virtual world, instead than victimisation a keyboard or come apart game accountant.

"The whole form of the toy is the interface. It has a touch screen and vibrating handles.

"Children can choose a theatrical role who accompanies them through and through the games, 'find and touch' stories and singsong movies. They can besides take a figurine of their character home with them."

Professor Bucolo aforesaid the virtual world could be seen from all angles just by moving the toy.

"They potty even look underneath objects by tipping it inverted," he aforementioned.

Ditto south Korean won for Diversionary Therapy Technologies the Australian leg of the UK-based business contender Technium Challenge International.

The project originated at the Australasian CRC for Interaction Design, based at QUT, and mired a range of researchers including doctors, designers, children's authors and engineers.

Funding was standard from the Queensland Department of State Development, a Federal Government Commercial Ready grant and private financial backing.

Ditto is due to be commercially available at the end of this year.

Queensland University of Technology

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Thursday 28 August 2008

Crystal Castles cause chaos at Leeds Festival

Crystal Castles played a typically helter-skelter set at Leeds Festival today (August 22), in similar scenes to those that about saw the band pulled offstage at Glastonbury this year.

The Canadian digi-punks' vocaliser Alice Glass spent the majority of the band's set on the Dance Stage clambering atop the speakers and drum riser and dive into the crowd.

Glass later fully immersed herself in the front row during 'Alice Practice'.

However, unlike at Glastonbury, the band's sound was not cut and they continued a triumphant set, which included 'Courtship Dating' and 'Reckless'.

The band opened their set with their remix of Klaxons' 'Atlantis To Interzone', and proceeded to fire through an telling set that also included 'Crimewave' and 'Black Panther'.

Crystal Castles played:

'Atlantis To Interzone'


'Courtship Dating'



'Alice Practice'

'Black Panther'

'Air War'

NME.COM is delivery you hot coverage straight from both sites of the Reading And Leeds Festivals 2008. For the latest intelligence, blogs, pictures and picture interviews point to the Reading And Leeds Festivals index now.

Plus create sure you get next week's issue of NME - on newsstands countrywide from Wednesday August 27 - for the ultimate Reading And Leeds Festivals review.

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Monday 18 August 2008

FDA Approves Registration Of AbSorber's Transplantation Test

�The Swedish biotech party AbSorber has been given clearance by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market and sell its XM-ONE� transplantation test in the U.S. Initially, sales of XM-ONE� in the U.S. will target the kidney transplantation market valued at about SEK cc million. XM-ONE� previously received CE marker and is approved for sales inside the EU.

AbSorber's transplantation test provides enhanced diagnostic value compared to existent tests and facilitates twin the right organ with the correct patient, thereby increasing the probability of a successful transplantation.

"Approval from the FDA demonstrates that AbSorber and the XM-ONE� transplant test meet the tough requirements of the U.S. market. Now we privy market and sell XM-ONE� full on in the U.S., initially focusing on the kidney transplantation segment, followed by a following step into the marrow and lung transplantation segment," said Anders Karlsson, CEO AbSorber. XM-ONE� is unique in that it is the first base standardized test that can detect antibodies against the cells that line the inside of blood vessels. These endothelial cells are the first point of contact betwixt the transplanted organ and the recipient's immune organization. Anti-endothelial cell antibodies have been shown to play a key role in post-transplantation rejection reactions.

"XM-ONE� adds critical supplementary info to a transplantation clinic's decision devising process in their quest to downplay risk and rejection reactions," said Karlsson.

Today thither is a great deficit in kidneys for transplanting. Wait times for patients are acquiring longer and it happens that patients die waiting for a new kidney.

"This is why it is of the outmost importance that every kidney available for transplantation is properly utilised, that is to tell that the right kidney is matched with the right recipient role. The come number of kidney transplantations per year globally is 56,000 of which 17,000 take place in the U.S. This makes the U.S. the single largest market in the earth," said Karlsson.

AbSorber has established honorable contact with ten illustrious transplantation centers in the U.S. Of these, four centers - Johns Hopkins University Hospital, Baylor University Medical Center, The Ohio State University Medical Center and Mass. General Hospital - have participated in a multicenter clinical trial of XM-ONE� together with the Karolinska University Hospital and the Sahlgrenska University Hospital. The results of the study are organism published in conjunction with the globular congress for transplantations in Sydney in the middle of August. In total, there ar approximately 200 transplantation clinics in the U.S. "Interest in XM-ONE� in the U.S. market is already considerable and the first-class honours degree orders ar expected shortly," said Karlsson.

AbSorber develops products that facilitate more successful transplantations. AbSorber's number one product, the transplantation test XM-ONE�, detects key antibodies responsible for post-transplantation rejection reactions. XM-ONE� is already CE marked and approved for gross revenue in the EU.

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Friday 8 August 2008

Music highlights, Aug. 2

The White Linen Night opening reception at the Big Top features Gal Holiday (by and by on Saturday, hear Holiday and her Honky Tonk Revue at the Circle Bar). Singer YaDonna West is featured from 5 to 11 p.m. at the Swizzle...

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Tuesday 1 July 2008

Survey sees payoff on 3-D

Study analyzed more than 4,000 U.S. theaters

Theaters that exhibited the November 2007 release "Beowulf" in 3-D saw a 65% sales increase in total boxoffice over comparable theaters that exhibited it in 2-D, according to a new study from the Nielsen Co.'s Nielsen PreView.

Nielsen PreView's 3-D study analyzed more than 4,000 U.S. theaters -- some with 3-D and others without -- that housed at least four screens. These sites were considered comparable theaters in that they had a proven track record in the action/adventure genre.

Besides the edge in boxoffice sales, theaters that chose to exhibit "Beowulf" in 3-D on more than one screen saw their sales climb even higher to 100% versus what was expected.

In part, the results reflect a premium ticket price for 3-D. "People are willing to pay this higher price for a better theater experience," said Dan O'Toole, new product director at Nielsen Ventures.

"With all the upcoming hype around 3-D, we wanted to take a hard look and see if there is truly a consumer appetite for 3-D," said Ann Marie Dumais, senior vp at Nielsen PreView. "Our new research approach contrasted theaters in such a way to demonstrate consumers, when given a choice, will choose 3-D."

A related Nielsen study found that while consumers have an appetite for 3-D films, they often lack general awareness and education about what 3-D is and where to find it. In a recent Nielsen moviegoer survey, 48% were unaware their movie was available in 3-D. "We are talking about are they aware that a given movie is offered in both formats, what that looks like and where to find it," Dumais said.

There are currently a little more than 1,000 3-D-ready digital cinema screens in North America. At least 10 3-D titles are expected to open in 2009.

The Hollywood Reporter is part of The Nielsen Company.

See Also

Thursday 19 June 2008

Frank Natalie

Frank Natalie   
Artist: Frank Natalie

New Age


Om (Bilateral Alignment)   
 Om (Bilateral Alignment)

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 3



Friday 13 June 2008

Sheen Weds Mueller In L.A. Ceremony

Actor Charlie Sheen has married his fiancee Brooke Mueller in a small, private ceremony in Los Angeles. The couple, who has been dating for two years, exchanged vows in front of just 60 friends and family members on Friday . Grey's Anatomy star Eric Dane and his actress wife Rebecca Gayheart were among the guests at the wedding. Dane and Gayheart first introduced Sheen to real estate investor Mueller in 2006. According to, Sheen, 42, persuaded his 30-year-old bride to scale down her wedding plans. A source tells the website, "Brooke really wanted to walk down the aisle in a big way, but Charlie insisted they keep it simple and small." The newlyweds requested guests make donations to the Chrysalis: Changing Lives Through Jobs charity instead of bringing wedding gifts. It is the third time up the aisle for Sheen; he was previously married to Donna Peele and former Bond girl Denise Richards. His two young daughters with Richards, Lola and Sam, were also present at the ceremony.

See Also